Greetings! The site continues to evolve as detailed below:
- Home Page – a favicon has been added to the site
- Tool Testing – added a blurb about Arsenal Image Mounter for mounting forensic images
- Social Media – added a few more subreddits relevant to the DFIR world
- Men of #DFIR/Women of #DFIR – new entries added and old ones removed
- Submit a Job – added a link to the beginning of the job submission process for those who want to post multiple jobs in one sitting without having to go back to the home page
- Tools & Artifacts – iOS – new blog posts added
- Tools & Artifacts – Android – new blog posts added
I’m continuing to chip away at the to-do list as well as keeping up with sourcing new content as it’s published by the DFIR community. A special thanks to Phill Moore for all of his work in the DFIR Community. He makes my job a lot easier when it comes to collecting blog posts for artifacts in the Tools & Artifacts section of the site. Everyone should consider subscribing to This Week in 4n6 and throwing some love his way via his Patreon!
Per usual, you can reach me via the following methods: Digital Forensics Discord Server or Twitter.