Greetings! Yet another AboutDFIR Content Update:
- Preservation Letter/Search Warrant Templates – Discord – updated this page with a section about how Discord Nitro factors into the #XXXX discriminator at the end of a subject’s username. I also added a fancy GIF created with my favorite GIF creation tool, ShareX. Also, I added another line in the language asking for historical usernames and discriminators for a specified account
- Awards – added links to each respective award for convenience
- Password Cracking – added new password lists that were recently posted in the Digital Forensics Discord Server’s Password Cracking channel
- DFIR Research – data tables were reworked to split completed research and research ideas
- Tools & Artifacts – File Systems – new entries added
- Tools & Artifacts – DVR/Multimedia – new entry added
Per usual, you can reach me via the following methods: Digital Forensics Discord Server or Twitter.