Lots of Windows artifact updates this week:
- Tools & Artifacts – DVR/Multimedia– new entries added
- Tools & Artifacts – Windows – new entries added
AboutDFIR stickers are a thing! If you’re interested in one, please let us know! Here’s what they look like:
The 2021 Forensic 4:cast Awards voting period is open! Please be sure to vote for AboutDFIR if you feel we’ve served you well in 2020! Vote here!
I’ve been continuing lots of work on GitHub to help improve the KAPE, RECmd, SQLECmd, and EVTXECmd projects. That work will continue so feel free to follow me on GitHub!
I’m currently serving on the Advisory Board for the 2021 SANS DFIR Summit. Be sure to sign up for the Summit since it’s free and will be an awesome event!
Also, I will be giving my talk on 7/22/2021 titled EZ Tools/KAPE: How to Contribute to and Benefit from Open Source Contributions. Check out the rest of the Summit’s agenda here!
As always, there’s plenty of new content and features in the works! As always, if there’s something you think should be on the website, let us know on our new feedback form! Per usual, you can reach me via the following methods: Digital Forensics Discord Server, Twitter, or LinkedIn.