AboutDFIR.com – The Definitive Compendium Project
Digital Forensics & Incident Response

Blog Post

AboutDFIR Content Update 9/25/2021

I’ve been crawling through some of the older content on AboutDFIR and making some updates. If there’s something you think needs more immediate attention, don’t hesitate to throw a note in the site feedback form and I can start there.

AboutDFIR stickers are a thing! If you’re interested in one, please let us know! Here’s what they look like:

In talking with people in this field for a couple weeks now, I’ve gone from being one of the smartest people I know about digital forensics to incredibly humbled. I’m working on growing and sharing some of what I’m learning (which may be ages behind some of you or steps ahead of others) in a less formal platform and hope anyone who wants to will follow me on Twitter or keep an eye out for additional standalone blog posts here on AboutDFIR. Also, a reminder that Devon has extended the invitation beyond just me for anyone interested in publishing their writing on AboutDFIR. 

As always, there’s plenty of new content and features in the works!

Cassie (DFIRDetective)

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