Introducing the AboutDFIR LinkedIn Page!

This has been a long time coming but there now is an AboutDFIR LinkedIn page for you to follow for the latest blog posts, pages, and new DFIR content! We look forward to connecting with you. Speaking of keeping up to date, don't forget the AboutDFIR RSS Starter Pack exists! Keep up to date with all the most relevant DFIR newsfeeds all in once place!
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AboutDFIR RSS Starter Pack v2 released!

Greetings! I am happy to share a new version of the AboutDFIR RSS Starter Pack! The AboutDFIR RSS Starter Pack was first introduced earlier this year in March 2020. Since then, lots of new content channels have been created largely thanks to the forced stay-at-home experiment brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic. As always, the AboutDFIR RSS Starter Pack can always be found on its dedicated page on the site. For those who already have…
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A General Overview of DFIR Resources

Introduction The world of Digital Forensics and Incident Response (DFIR) is so expansive that it's impossible for one person to know it all, let alone a fraction of it. To combat this, one must first be aware of and second utilize the resource that's best catered to the issue at hand. There are multiple resources out there that digital forensic examiners and incident responders should be aware of.  Not all resources are created equal nor…
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Introducing the AboutDFIR RSS Starter Pack!

Greetings! I am excited to share something that has been in the back of my mind for a while now. Introducing the AboutDFIR RSS Starter Pack! Basically, this is a curated list of blogs, DFIR vendor websites, and other cyber security related websites categorized for your convenience. A simple import into your Feedly account (or RSS app of choice) and you're up and running! This is the first iteration of this project and will be…
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