Day 2 – Excerpt from “Diving In” Book by Devon Ackerman

Day 2 – Excerpt from “Diving In” Book by Devon Ackerman

Day 2 - Excerpt from the second chapter of my brand new #book, "#DivingIn - An Incident Responder’s Journey: A Guide for Executives, Lawyers, Insurance, Brokers & Audiences Eager to Learn" which can be viewed and purchased here! "#Forensic examiners must be able to defensibly recover/extract relevant #evidence, preserve it, and present findings in a manner that it can be legally used in the identification and #attribution of #cybercrime. This includes being able to articulate…
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Diving In – An Incident Responder’s Journey – An Excerpt

Diving In – An Incident Responder’s Journey – An Excerpt

Excerpt from the opening chapter of my new #book, Diving In - An Incident Responder's Journey: A Guide for Executives, Lawyers, Insurance, Brokers & Audiences Eager to Learn, can be purchased here. "Digital Forensics and Incident Response (#DFIR) are two essential areas of investigative and reactive cybersecurity that aim to protect individuals, governments, and organizations of all sizes and complexity from ever-present, ever-evolving cyber threats. Legal counsel and cyber insurance carriers are often called upon…
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