InfoSec News Nuggets 01/17/2023

Royal Mail's 'Cyber Incident' Turns Out to Be Ransomware  British postal service the Royal Mail has been hit by ransomware, rendering it unable to send any mail internationally and causing a huge backlog of undelivered packages. Earlier this week the Royal Mail requested(Opens in a new window) that customer stop posting any items intended for delivery outside of the UK, but didn't divulge details as to what had happened beyond "disruption" and has since only referred to the situation…
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InfoSec News Nuggets 1/6/2022

US Police Warn of Parking Meters with Phishing QR Codes In a hurry to park your car?  Don't want to fumble around in your pocket to find cash for the parking meter, and don't have the correct payment app installed on your phone? Well, think carefully before rushing to scan the payment QR code stuck on the side of the meter - it may well be an attempt by fraudsters to phish your financial information.…
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