InfoSec News Nuggets 09/11/2023

Cyber professionals say industry urgently needs to confront mental health crisis  As the coronavirus pandemic swept the U.S. in early 2020, Pat, a security engineer, had more than just his own health to worry about. He was the lead engineer responsible for protecting vast amounts of data moving between large health care organizations to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The toll of working 80-hour weeks wasn’t new to Pat, who has been in…
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InfoSec News Nuggets 1/5/2022

Malicious Telegram Installer Drops Purple Fox Rootkit We have often observed threat actors using legitimate software for dropping malicious files. This time however is different. This threat actor was able to leave most parts of the attack under the radar by separating the attack into several small files, most of which had very low detection rates by AV engines, with the final stage leading to Purple Fox rootkit infection. Thanks to the MalwareHunterTeam, we were able to…
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