InfoSec News Nuggets 09/21/2022

Mobile phone hackers wield “Violence-as-a-service” for money, revenge If you ask ‘Yuki’ why he helped found a channel on Telegram to facilitate the settling of scores in the mobile phone hacking community, he says it was about supply and demand. Lots of young SIM swappers were looking for a way to get back at enemies in the real world. SIM swapping at its most basic level entails someone hijacking your mobile phone. They swap your…
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InfoSec News Nuggets 10/06/2021

Hong Kong firm becomes latest marketing company hit with REvil ransomware Hong Kong marketing firm Fimmick has been hit with a ransomware attack, according to a British cybersecurity firm monitoring the situation. Fimmick has offices in Hong Kong and across China, serving several high-profile clients like McDonalds, Coca-Cola, Shell, Asus and others. Their website is currently down and there was no response to ZDNet requests for comment. Matt Lane, CEO of UK-based cybersecurity firm X Cyber Group, said…
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InfoSec News Nuggets 7/21/2020

Seven 'no log' VPN providers accused of leaking A string of "zero logging" VPN providers have some explaining to do after more than a terabyte of user logs were found on their servers unprotected and facing the public internet. This data, we are told, included in at least some cases clear-text passwords, personal information, and lists of websites visited, all for anyone to stumble upon. It all came to light this week after Comparitech's Bob…
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